This is another update on the pulsar near Sgr A* that I’ve been writing posts about the last days. This piece of news comes again from the world of X-ray astronomy, after the last updates using radio observations. „Spindown measurement of PSR J1745-2900?“ weiterlesen
Update: Radio Pulsar near Sgr A*
As of May 4, another piece of information about the recently discovered radio pulsar a mere 3“ away from Sgr A* at the Galactic Centre has been published via the ATel #5043. The astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany, had another look at the source using the 100-meter Effelsberg telescope. „Update: Radio Pulsar near Sgr A*“ weiterlesen
A magnetar / SGR / radio pulsar only 3“ from Sgr A*
In case you haven’t been following this, there’s a really interesting story unfolding in a series of ATels about a magnetar/SGR with a radio pulsar counterpart at a very small angular distance (3“) to Sgr A*.
If this were a pulsar in an orbit around the central black hole, this would be one of the holy grails of astronomy, since it could potentially be used to probe the space-time around the black hole with unprecedented precision. I’ve tried to summarize the whole story with its various twists and turns below. „A magnetar / SGR / radio pulsar only 3“ from Sgr A*“ weiterlesen
Abenddämmerung am 29.12.
Am Abend des 29.12. gab es eine farbenprächtige Dämmerung über Hannover. Die untergehende Sonne setzte die tiefen Wolken mit leuchtendem Rot in Brand. Ich habe das Lichterspiel leider erst etwas zu spät bemerkt, konnte aber noch ein paar Bilder zur Dokumentation machen.